Ceylon Cinnamon Bark Oil - SKU:CVCB8A4

In Stock 122
Net Weight 0.33 oz (10ml)
Gross Weight 1.4 oz (with bottle)
Bottle Dimensions 1" width x 2.6" height x 1" Depth
Country of origin Sri Lanka
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UPC 00868929000026
PRICE $23.99
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Price: $23.99
3 Product Reviews - Average rating 5 / 5 (Show All)
Superior Product, Excellent Customer Service and Fast Shipping!
- 08/05/2023
This cinnamon bark oil is a true staple in our home. It’s our secret weapon! :) I buy a couple of bottles a month because it’s making such a difference in our health and it’s been life-changing! It’s lowered my mother’s blood pressure and more, read more
Highest Quality on The Market and World Class Customer Service!
- 08/05/2023
This cinnamon bark oil is a true staple in our home. It’s our secret weapon! :) I buy a couple of bottles a month because it’s making such a difference in our health and it’s been life-changing! It’s lowered my mother’s blood pressure and more, read more
- 01/29/2020
I Love this oil!! I bought it rt before Christmas and I take it every day (except weekends). I love the taste and the health improvements that I have had with my sugar levels.
It is HOT if you drip on your lip and will chap your lips in seconds. I transread more



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