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Cinnamon French ToastMEDIA GALLERY
Cinnamon French ToastCinnamon French ToastCinnamon French ToastCinnamon French ToastCinnamon French ToastCinnamon French ToastCinnamon French Toast

Sometimes experimentation and quality ingredients leads to the creation of a remarkable taste sensation. This is one of those moments. Orange and Ceylon Cinnamon work extremely well together. Add a bit of Honey and a few whole iced cubes and this drink goes to a whole new level. This is the perfect summer drink.

Prep Time : 5 Minutes
Cook Times : 8 minutes
Yield : 2 cups



  • 3 cups water
  • 1/2 an orange peel (medium size), cut into small thin strips
  • 4 teaspoons honey
  • 2 teaspoon fresh orange juice
  • 2 Cinnamon Tea bags


  1. Cut 1/2 an orange peel into thin square strips
  2. Add 3 cups cold water into a pan, drop the orange peel and heat on medium (5 setting) and heat
  3. When the water starts to boil, drop the two bags into the pan and let it brew for 2 minutes
  4. Remove from heat and let it sit for another 3 minutes, squeeze the tea bag and remove and then strain and pout into a separate container
  5. Add two teaspoons of honey
  6. Add two teaspoons of fresh orange juice
  7. Let it cool and refrigerator (2 hours or overnight)
  8. Fill 3/4 of the glass with the tea and balance1/4 glass with whole ice cubes. Do not use crushed Ice.


1. When you taste this warm, it will not taste as good. However when you refrigerate the tea and add ice cubes, the change in taste is quite remarkable.

2. Use a medium sized Orange. If you use a large orange, you should use less as it will overpower to taste.

2. Note we put in 3 cups of water to make two cups. This is because some of the water will evaporate and the some will be absorbed by the tea leaves, which is why we added an extra cup of water.

4. If you are making large quantities for the family, increase the size accordingly. Add iced cubes instead of crushed iced cubes as the crushed ice will melt faster and slightly dilute the taste.

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