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Try this refreshing Acorn Squash recipe with Ceylon Cinnamon and topped with a minced beef medley and sour cream. In just the right amount of Cinnamon in this recipe creates an amazing depth of flavor. Unlike most American recipes Cinnamon never takes center stage. In fact you would be hard pressed to know there is Cinnamon in it.

The minced beef topping with vegetables makes this a complete meal. Finally a dollop of sour cream on top is must we think, because it completes it so well. Guaranteed fabulous.

Prep Time : 20 Minutes
Cook Times : 60 minutes
Yield : 2 servings


For Acorn

For Minced beef topping


Acorn Squash Preparation

  1. Remove seeds from Acorn squash. Stab the Acorn Squash inside with a fork, twist and wriggle. This to allow the butter mix to penetrate the acorn Squash.

  2. Melt the butter, mix Ceylon Cinnamon, salt and pepper.

  3. Using a spoon or knife smear some of the butter mix on the top of the Acorn Squash.

  4. Bake for 50-60 minutes at 400°F. We used a toaster oven which worked out great. Of course if you are making more than one, firing up the big oven is necessary.

Minced Beef Preparation

  1. Add butter and fry shallots. 3 minutes.

  2. Add minced beef, cinnamon powder, salt and pepper to pan and cook stirring frequently.

  3. Once cooked add finely cut mixed vegetables. You can use carrots and broccoli. Green peas and sweet corn are another idea.

  4. Finally take out Acorn Squash from oven, top with minced beef and serve. Add a dash of sour cream if you wish.

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Unlike ordinary Cassia Cinnamon you find in the stores, Ceylon Cinnamon has low Coumarin levels, so it won't damage your liver, especially if you are a regular Cinnamon tea drinker. Besides Ceylon Cinnamon is mild, yet slightly sweeter. It's not spicy like store bought Cassia Cinnamon, but has hints of cloves and citrus with wonderful subtle aroma.

Ceylon Cinnamon is subtle and adds to create a more complex flavors. You would never know there is Ceylon Cinnamon in this dish, unlike Cassia Cinnamon which tends to be harsh and immediately makes its presence felt and often ruins the recipe.

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